This story tells of the lifecycle of Solomon, a sockeye salmon. Solomon's 2,000+ mile journey begins and ends in the headwaters of the Russian River, in Alaska. However, Solomon's amazing journey is not without its perils, as vividly described and illustrated by the creators of this book. (May be ordered through
* Selected for NBC affiliate KTUU's Cover2Cover book series review
* Finalist of INDIE Book Awards
* Purple Dragonfly Book Award and Royal Dragonfly Book Award winner!
From the 28th Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards:
Entry Title: The Amazing Journey of Solomon the Sockeye Salmon
Author: Pamela Cannalte
Judge Number: 5
Entry Category: Early Readers/Children’s Picture Books
Books are evaluated on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 meaning “needs improvement” and 5 meaning “outstanding”
Structure, Organization, and Pacing: 5
Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar: 5
Production Quality and Cover Design: 5
Plot and Story Appeal: 5
Character Appeal and Development: 5
Voice and Writing Style: 5
Judge's Commentary:
Visually delightful, with illustrations remaining true to science as Solomon’s growth progresses along a comfortable, natural pace. Author demonstrates excellent instincts in building a patient cadence. There is no sense of rushing to get to the better-known "swimming upstream" portions with action and danger. The slow growth is made fascinating here thanks to the author’s stellar research and knowledge. Author subtly handles the issue of danger, so inherent in the life cycle, in an age-appropriate manner. We sense tension, but author is not relying on drama and danger to keep the reader connected to the story. Illustrations throughout provide a great sense of setting, thus we get a tour of Solomon’s journey for full immersion as we’re learning about natural predators and what salmon eat. I loved the wonderful Look Closely features on the bottoms of pages, leading readers to identify animals by their silhouette shapes, and also teaching math as a question about pairs. This feature further enhances the educational aspect of this story. I’m happy to see that author chose to avoid a stereotypical anthropomorphic characterization of Solomon, with oversized eyes and cheeky facial expressions. No, we’re getting real science, real animal behavior and real illustrations of how salmon grow and appear as they age. Very smart. A pivotal choice in the success of this book. Great choice to include definitions at the end of the book; author expands readership levels by thoughtful educating. Very well done. Solomon reaches the goal of procreating, and author focuses on the process of sharing offspring creation with his mate, as well as noting the success. We are not led to imagine what may have become of Solomon after that. We know from the great chart at the beginning what the typical life cycle is. Learning about the circle of life is available if the child and older reader wish to go there. Smart and special handling of complex topics in the author’s relatable and conversational voice. Very fresh and enjoyable.
A love of cupcakes sends Bailey all over the world in her magical dreams, searching for that elusive cupcake truck. Day after day goes by that Bailey is still waiting. This beautifully written, illustrated and designed children's picture book will delight the reader. Full of imaginative fantasy, it offers a surprising but lovely ending that will delight both parents and children. (May be ordered through
* Purple Dragonfly Book Award Winner
Writer's Digest Competitions - Self-Published Book Awards 2021
Structure, Organization, Pacing: Please choose the statement that best applies to this book.
Reviewer 1
This book is exemplary in its structure, organization, and pacing. The structure of the chapters/parts aid in a compelling organization of the story or information. The pacing is even throughout and matches the tone/genre of the book.
Optional: Additional reader commentary related to Structure, Organization, Pacing:Reviewer 1
A lovely story, with great, natural flow built into the story’s structure. Author starts us off with the goal, smartly getting right to it so that the reader can form an attachment with Bailey. We’re embraced by Bailey’s imaginings, delivering us via her thoughts around the globe to visual settings and wonderful little details in the drawings. We get an ideal number of scenarios to captivate us, without delving into what feels like a ‘page-stretcher’ stalling tactic to fill more of the book. Author, as such, has not stalled the narrative, nor made the pace endless. Very well done. We move right along comfortably, enjoying the scenery of Bailey’s mind. Well done.
Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar: Please choose the statement that best applies to this book.
Reviewer 1
This book has spelling, punctuation, and grammar corresponding with the region of the world from which the author hails (ex. British English or American English) or with where the book is set (including slang, vernacular, or dialect). These choices are intentional and implemented consistently throughout with few, if any, errors.
Optional: Additional reader commentary related to Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar:Reviewer 1
Author has put wonderful effort into making sure the book is free from any typos that would distract the reader from the story, breaking the wonderful enchantment the author has built. Well done. I loved being able to stay in the moment where the storyline builds and takes on more loveliness.
Production Quality and Cover Design: Please choose the statement that best applies to this book.
Reviewer 1
This book is exemplary in production quality and cover design. The physical materials, printing, and binding are of professional quality and traditional industry standards. The typesetting and page layout (including illustrations, images, or figures) are easy to follow, thoughtfully designed, and error free. The cover appears to be professionally designed and is compellingly related to the content/genre of the book.
Optional: Additional reader commentary related to Production Quality and Cover Design:Reviewer 1
The artwork in this book is delightful. So much intricate detail adds such a breath of life into the story, and I loved the pretty frame motif for the font sections. From the colors to the lettering on signs and props in the characters' world, the illustrator has brought an amazing amount of talent to the book. Very well done. I applaud the illustrator for such great care paid to the images, from the details of the gondola to, especially, the cupcake accenting. Author makes great use of sensory details in the illustration of food, pairing that with setting and movement. The rickshaw is a fine example of building a setting, a fascinating focal point, human interaction and movement. Very layered and very well done.
Plot, Story, or Topic Appeal: Please choose the statement that best applies to this book.Reviewer 1This book is exemplary in its choice of topic or theme of the story. It is unique but still has strong appeal for most readers in its intended genre. If the book is fiction or narrative nonfiction, the book is well plotted. If the book is poetry or prescriptive nonfiction, there is a cohesive theme or delivery of information.Optional: Additional reader commentary related to Plot, Story, or Topic Appeal:Reviewer 1
The theme of dreaming of a goal for so long, and when the moment comes, you 'don't have enough' is a gripping story, and when enacted upon the foundations of the author's lovely writing voice and all of the gorgeous drawings, our emotions soar. We're captivated by Bailey's dream, devastated at her moment of disappointment, and touched by her brother's kindness. This story gathers in several story layers to create a resonant experience. Very well done. The story keeps our interest throughout, builds and ends above our expectations. Nicely done. Young readers will want to comes back to this story and its artwork again and again.
Character Appeal and Development: Please choose the statement that best applies to this book.Reviewer 1This book is exemplary in character appeal (or interest) and development. All main characters (including antagonists) are unique and fully fleshed out with compelling, layered motivations and traits. Secondary characters are unique and have a meaningful purpose.Optional: Additional reader commentary related to Character Appeal and Development (for fiction and narrative nonfiction only:Reviewer 1
The author has crafted individualized characters, giving them their own voices and parts to play. Author divides her attention and her character-building consistently, giving us realistic characters to whom we connect easily. As they experience their feelings, we're more than just observers. We're thinking about how Bailey really should get the cupcake of her dreams, and we note that Bailey isn't a demanding brat. She's just feeling her way through this chapter in her life, this moment of wanting that cupcake from the magical truck, and in a moment when we all may dream about having a loved one glide in with a rescue for us -- especially in this current era -- the resolution to this story warms the heart. I love the journey the author gave us.
Voice and Writing Style: Please choose the statement that best applies to this book.Reviewer 1This book is exemplary in its voice and writing style. It has a unique voice, and the writing style is consistent throughout. The style and tone are also consistent with or will appeal to readers of the intended genre.Optional: Additional reader commentary related to Voice and Writing Style:Reviewer 1
When a story has such a heartwarming lesson, the author’s voice needs to have a depth of warmth and emotion for that lesson to come through authentically, and author has done well to bring this story out through a lovely writing voice. Very nice work.
"Bella and the Full Moon Kittens" is a delightfully whimsical story about the exciting adventures of two children, Jacob and Samantha, who live on a ranch high in the Rocky Mountains. The two children rescue a cat, Bella, that becomes a beloved part of the ranch "family," which includes two horses, Silverjack and Easy, and two dogs, Buck and Bear. Bella's adoption deepens the relationship between Jacob and Samantha and their parents and grandmother Nana and brings to life a beautiful bond between the animals and Bella. The special relationship between Silverjack and Bella is particularly evident when Silverjack saves Bella's life. When Bella suddenly disappears, the children are heartbroken. Days run into weeks that the beloved pet is gone. But Bella brings a wonderful surprise to the entire ranch family in the end. This is a lovely tale of rural life on a ranch, teaching children responsibility for one's pets and emphasizing the importance of strong family values. Available on
Colby lives on a ranch high in the San Juan Mountains of southern Colorado. He is such a curious little calf, who gets into some very big trouble! You may order this book through
2020 Royal Dragonfly Award Winner: Picture Books 5 and under - Honorable Mention
From the 28th Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards:
Entry Title: Colby the Curious Calf
Author: Pamela Cannalte
Judge Number: 5
Entry Category: Early Readers/Children’s Picture Books
● Books are evaluated on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 meaning “needs improvement” and 5 meaning “outstanding”.
Structure, Organization, and Pacing: 4
Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar: 5
Production Quality and Cover Design: 5
Plot and Story Appeal: 4
Character Appeal and Development: 4
Voice and Writing Style: 5
Judges's Commentary:
Excellent sense of place via illustrations and smart depth in silhouettes. Nicely done. Artist has done a terrific job of depicting all of the animals and their habitats. We get a nice sense of movement in the drawings that coordinates with movement effects in the narrative. Author has avoided the error of snapshot descriptions that just show a scene. We get a living, moving setting in which characters can come to life as well. Very nicely done. Pace carries us along well. We get the high energy of adventure with the comfortable rhythm of moving the group along. We feel cooperation and curiosity through the author’s chosen scripting. This feels like a group of youngsters exploring their world and working together without differences even noticed. Character voicing succeeds on a simple sentence structure pattern, and we can easily feel innocence and curiosity through them. We have a nice cadence in repetitive listings, such as repeating the list of accompanying characters until a new animal joins the list and we continue the pattern. Very good structure there. Reader will quickly recognize the rhythm of the list and feel plugged into the story. The questions posed in the bottom space present outstanding opportunities for extra learning, which come back to us in the end through the amazing facts sections about the animals, plus the history of cattle branding. Outstanding and unique inclusions. Author has put a lot of time and effort into gathering fascinating FYIs for this book, all of which dial up the interest for multiple readings. Characters feel realistic, are named creatively and engagingly, and author winds up the story with a scare and a rush home to safety where the characters can prepare for the next adventure. Nice work.
A Year of Tranquility Perpetual Desk Flip Calendar offers 366 uplifting photographs from around the world. Gain inspiration from the daily motivational messages of affirmation, wisdom and encouragement . (May be ordered through
2020 Royal Dragonfly Award Winner: 2nd Place in General Category
This book inspires the imagination and thoughts of everyone who reads it, encouraging reflection about our world and contemplation about our actions and words. Both fun and honest! It gently reminds us that we are all connected! (Available through Amazon)
Written by Pamela Cannalte
Illustrated by Steven Beutler
Designed by Jody Mattics
Edited by Tanya Ishikawa
THIS JUST IN!!! "Can You Imagine What Would Happen If" won two awards!!!
* 2024 Purple Dragonfly Book Award - 2nd Place Tie for Best Illustrations
* 2024 Purple Dragonfly Book Award - Honorable Mention for Picture Books 6 and older
2020 Royal Dragonfly Award Winner: Picture Books 6 and older - Honorable Mention
From the 28th Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards: Entry Title: Can You Imagine What Would Happen If
Author: Pamela Cannalte
Judge Number: 5
Entry Category: Early Readers/Children’s Picture Books A few quick notes~ ● Books are evaluated on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 meaning “needs improvement” and 5 meaning “outstanding”.● The 1-5 scale is strictly to provide a point of reference; the scores are meant only to be a gauge, and are not a cumulative score, nor are they tallied or used in ranking.
Structure, Organization, and Pacing: 5
Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar: 5
Production Quality and Cover Design: 5
Plot and Story Appeal: 5
Character Appeal and Development: 5
Voice and Writing Style: 5
Judge's Commentary:
Author pairs the skills of using imagination and considering consequences in this engaging story. Author builds a nice, consistent pattern in the story’s structure, and I’m impressed by the organization of "can you imagine?" entries, such as smaller, concrete step topics like planting a tree to larger, more complex topics like everyone being thankful for life. We get a nice variety of topics, and author shows care in keeping the book on the brief side so that young readers don’t get overwhelmed by so many questions. Well done. Balance is terrific. I loved the little notes on the bottoms of pages, sharing fascinating FYIs such as the darkest places on earth, etc. Author has thus offered perks to multiple readings, sometimes including those tidbits and sometimes not, extending the layers and benefits of the book. Well done. Illustrations carry the author’s light tone, with delicate yet detailed drawings of characters and setting detail. We see movement in illustrations, plus some drawings that seem to defy gravity just for fun, such as the boy flying on the cover. It’s fanciful and decorative (cover font is lovely!) and a nice package for the narrative. Well done. The two-page spread of fascinating facts offers a lot of interest; I’m impressed by how fresh these are, how much they depart from cliché or overdone FYIs. Author has put a lot of time and effort into making sure her book is packed with interest and life insights. Well done. Excellent decision to include the Einstein quote at the end, leaving the reader with a resonant key to life.
First in a Series, "Visitant: The Hidden Genome" © A Young Adult Sci-Fi Novel
Have you ever wondered how the most intelligent minds of all time came to be endowed with such brilliant genius? What was really behind the amazing discoveries in medicine, science, math, and the arts that led to advancements for the human race? This novel offers answers to these questions, revealing the possible origins of the innovations that secure the Earth’s future. (You may purchase on
THIS JUST IN as of 4.09.24! Visitant: 2023 Story Monsters Approved Winner in Young Adult Novels
2022 Purple Dragonfly Award Winner - 1st PLACE Science Fiction/Fantasy and Honorable Mention in Young Adult Category
2021 Royal Dragonfly Award Winner - Young Adult
2021 Royal Dragonfly Award Winner - Sci-Fi
Look forward to these new releases by Voyage Books :
Tracing three centuries of Ute Indian history, "The Utes Must Go!" chronicles the policies and incidents that led to the involuntary removal of the Ute Indians from Colorado, New Mexico and Wyoming. Historian, Author, Lecturer and Rancher Dr. Peter Decker, unveils new critical information on figures such as Colorado Governor Frederick Pitkin, General William T. Sherman, Interior Secretary Carl Schurz, famed newspaperman Horace Greeley, and Indian Agent Nathan Meeker, whose relentless mission to turn Indian hunters into farmers led to the tragedy at Milk Creek in 1879. Check out all of Dr. Peter Decker's books at Western Slope Press.
This book is intended to be an affordable, quick read for parents, teachers, relatives or others interested in understanding what childhood ADHD is all about. This book purposefully does not go into parenting strategies. PLEASE NOTE: If you would like the same information found in this book AND parenting strategies for childhood ADHD, please consider our newly released book "ADHD! What's Next? Parenting Strategies for Home and School." If you don't need the parenting strategies part and you simply want to learn or educate others on childhood ADHD, then this is the right book for you! This book is available on Amazon.
Father and son authors Gary Unruh and Eric Unruh "get it" because they have lived it. They have ADHD themselves and have personally experienced ADHD from both the parent's perspective and the child's perspective. In addition, they are both successful mental health professionals who together have spent 60-plus years helping ADHD kids live up to their full potential. It gives them both great joy helping children with ADHD live happy and healthy lives.
Does your child have ADHD? Parenting a child with ADHD isn't easy. But there are two things parents can do to help their child be successful at home and school.
First, gain a deeper understanding of ADHD. ADHD! What's Next? helps parents see there is much more to childhood ADHD than simply inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. This book describes ADHD through the riveting story of an ADHD boy named Chad, followed by 19 core descriptors of what ADHD really is - concepts like:
- ADHD kids are unable to be bored.
- ADHD kids are ultra-focused.
- ADHD kids have problems visualizing how long tasks will take.
- ADHD kids get frustrated when told to shift from a stimulating activity to a less stimulating activity.
The second step is to learn tried and tested parenting strategies. The authors walk parents through common challenges they may face with their ADHD child. But more importantly, they share solutions for those common problems; the same solutions they give their clients in therapy and in school staff meetings. In only125 pages, parents will understand ADHD and acquire proven ways to help their child succeed at home, in school, and in life. Available on Amazon.
The book, Mines, Miners and Much More, describes the history of gold and silver mining in the San Juan Triangle region of southwestern Colorado in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It discusses the role of prospectors and mining entrepreneurs in creating and operating mines and covers the miner’s life at the mines and in the mining towns. Chapters are also included on mining dangers, milling and smelting gold and silver ore as well as several other topics including a guide to local mines that can be visited. This book which sells for $19.95 may be ordered through the link provided.
Mines, Miners, and Much More by Don Paulson may be ordered through:
In Immensity, Beth Paulson couples her poetic sensibility with a curiosity inspired by contemporary scientific theory. Moments in a life lived among the mountains and canyons of the American West and beyond are reflected in poems crafted to share both wonder and knowledge of the Universe. Flora and fauna mingle with force fields and dark matter as time and place become a poet’s anchors. In this new book deep experiences of nature, the beauty of art, and the search for love culminate in acceptance of the finitude of human life. This book sells for $17.00 and may be ordered through the link provided.
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